So, this is a two-parter. Everyone has wants and needs, yeah? This first post is the want section, represented here by a small bunch of tunes. It seems that I have more songs about wants than needs. I wonder how accurate that is in real life? I suppose that it is a fare observation that although we may have more wants, our needs are, ultimately, the things we achieve to greater satisfaction. Of course, one would imagine it's also easier to meet your needs than wants, so why spend too much time looking for needs? The wants are the true challenge...
Dunno...anyhoo, to the music!
the Remains-When I Want to Know
Alex Lloyd-You Got Nothing I Want
Betty Davis-Your Mama Wants Ya Back
Cat Power-Naked If I Want To
Cat Stevens-If You Want to Sing Out, Sing Out
Mott the Hoople-Home Is Where I Want to Be
The Zombies-I Want You Back Again
Screaming Blue Messiahs-I Want Up
Sue Saad & the Next-I Want Him
Gretchen Wyler-Whatever Lola Wants
the Hormonas-Do I Want You?
Moldy Peaches-I Want to Watch Cartoons
Gerri Grangers-Don't Want Your Letters
the Soft Boys-(I Want to Be An) Angelpoise Lamp
Frampton Brothers-Indiana Wants Me