Elizabeth Barrett Browning said, "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways." I have done the very same on many occasions when it comes to the Dorkqueen. I have come up with 371 ways. In the interest of time I'll only highlight...
#177: None has ever possessed the intestinal fortitude to enjoy camp, cheese, or cheeky to my expectations. Kara has added kitsch to the list and is my equal, occasionally surpassing my best efforts.
#3: She has a heart of gold. Anyone that knows me will understand why this is perhaps the quintessential accomplishment in my life.
#68: Her brain fascinates me to this day. While I may have a general idea of what direction it will head, she still manages to throw quite a few curveballs.
#209: Laughter is the best side effect of an eternal flame.
#394: Her flair for creativity is inspirational and comforting.
#19: Goosebumps, butterflies and swoons are good for the soul.
#1: She told me I had to love her and, to be honest, she frightens me a bit...
So, to sum up, Kara is the best thing to ever happen. She's brought nothing but sunshine, humor, companionship, understanding, compassion and completion to a somewhat unfocused existence. She is a beacon that lights my smile and warms my heart. And so, humbly, I dedicate this songlist to her.
I love you, Goober!

The Boxtops-She Knows How
G Love-Baby's Got Sauce
Ambrose & His Orchestra-the Love Bug Will Bite You
The Kinks-I Need You
Charlie Feathers-She Sure Can Rock Me
The Proclaimers-Then I Met You
The Waterboys-Sweet Thing
Wayne Hancock-She's My Baby
Frank Sinatra-Fly Me To The Moon
Doris Day-Someone Like You
The Del Prixs-She'll Be Mine
Wreckless Eric-Whole Wide World
Luka Bloom-Over the Moon