Often, when one hears the term "one man band" the image that is conjured is that of a man with a bass drum on his back, cymbals on his knees, bicycle horn clamped to an accordion...you know what I'm talking about. I'm different in the respect that, when I think of a one man band, I think of a possessed dervish completely immersed in music that defies categorization. That is the easiest way to describe SLR.
I've had the pleasure of listening to SLR for a while now and I often take for granted how good it is. That all changes each time I lay witness to a live show. I had such a pleasure recently and to top it off there were many guest musicians involved. Those of you who know me know of my love of horn sections and this show delivered with a very tight trio of air masters. And while it is always nice to see a respected and talented musician with other talented folks, I am convinced that the only reason SLR has a need for guests is because he just doesn't have enough room at his place for horns or other instruments. I am quite sure he could wrap ALL of the instruments into his repertoire and pull off an amazing gig.
Anyway, that being said SLR was joined by an array of guests that all seemed to utterly enjoy playing his tunes which is, more often than not, the makings of a fun and satisfying night of goodness. This night did not disappoint.
Trying to put a label to Stanley Lucas Revolution is difficult in that each song becomes it's own tangible, sentient being. From the funk tinged guitar intro of 'Hey Charles' to the bittersweet sentiments of 'We still Love Them' to the slow-groove mojo of 'This World' to the quiet questioning of 'New Stone 40' no song is unable to stand of its own accord. And when you hear these songs live...no, when you experience these songs live, you will be instantly inducted into the cult of SLR. Rest assured, the lyrics are as up to snuff as the music. Current without being dated and as thoughtful as one could wish for. They bridge the gaps from social to personal to cultural to metaphorical with an ease that's often lacking in today's musical atmosphere.
When you become a fan, as I'm sure you will, you'll be in good company. All those others that hear the songs and know, in their heart of hearts, that SLR has read their diary, overheard their conversations, discovered their innermost thoughts and wrote them all down set to music.
I think there is something for everyone here and I'm certain that you'll hear that one song that connects and drives you to listen further. So, without further ado, please enjoy the sounds of Stanley Lucas Revolution. And if you get the chance to see a live show it will be an experience you won't soon forget. And remember, Sean is a hell of a good guy so say 'hey' and let him know what you think! And tell him Matt sent ya...
These are a bunch of my personal favorites in no particular order. Except that 'We Still Love Them' is, indeed, my favorite...
You can find SLR info and tunes here:
SLR on Facebook
We Still Love Them-stanleylucasRevolution
Hey Charles-stanleylucasRevolution
Gods Don't Worry-stanleylucasRevolution
Demolition 45-stanleylucasRevolution
New Stone 40-stanleylucasRevolution
This World-stanleylucasRevolution
Spanish Boots-stanleylucasRevolution
Venus de Milo-stanleylucasRevolution