Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Holy wow!

So, I had a request from someone that used to check out the old Hyena Crayons page. He asked me to put up the sound bite mixes I made because he liked trying to guess the source of the quotes. He made a game of it with his friends. I was astonished that anyone even remembered them, so I am happy to oblige...So without further ado, here are the Clampy Butchershop Tunes for Darren.

the Atomic Mosquitos-Axis of Evil (ft. Clampy)

Duane Eddy-Apache (ft. Clampy)

Davie Allan & the Arrows-Cycle-delic (ft. Clampy)

And, for your perusal, the newest of the tracks:
Dick Dale & His Del Tones-Ho-Dad Machine (ft. Clampy)

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